Category Archives: Programming

Configuring Git user name and email

Since I like working using terminal I prefer to do all my operations of git from the command prompt. The first prerequisite to this is to have my name and email configured. This few commands are required to do this simple operation:

To set the name and email:

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global "Your Email"

To view the name and email which is known to git execute the same commands without any parameter as shown below:

git config --global
git config --global

Finding class inside a bunch of jar

Many times there are some Java linkage errors and I have to find out in which jar files the class files are located. So this has lead me to find out tools which can do this job for me. I usually get the job done by using this excellent open source tools named Jar Explorer inside Github. It is basically a platform independent Swing based utility which allows you to recursively search inside Jar files located inside a folder for any class name String. So it is possible for me to search for a class named “LoggingEvent” inside a folder containing lots of jars and it outputs the list of all the jar files where it found classes containing the text “LoggingEvent”.

However when you are connected to Linux consoles using ssh and don’t have access to X Windowing system then you have to rely on either text based java program or pure vanilla shell scripting. For this situation I use the following snippets of code which I found from a Stackoverflow article.

On Linux/Mac
for i in *.jar; do jar -tvf "$i" | grep -Hsi ClassName && echo "$i"; done

On Windows
for /R %G in (*.jar) do @jar -tvf "%G" | find "ClassName" > NUL && echo %G

Debugging HTTP Traffic in Mac

I use Fiddler extensively in Windows for debugging any HTTP traffic in my web applications. However on Mac Fiddler is not available. On some search I have found out the following tools which can do the job:

In Chrome just type “chrome://net-internals/#http2” in the address bar and you will be able to see all the HTTP traffic that is going on in your system. Not sure when it got added to Chrome but it is a very simple yet powerful utility.

Charles Proxy
This is Java based commercial utility which can be used for almost Fiddler like functionality. This works in Windows, Linux and Mac so it is good deal I think for any developer.

Update: On using Charles Proxy I found it to be dead simple to use and it fulfilled all the requirements I had on my Mac. There is 30 minute lockout feature for unlicensed version which seems fair. It is completely worth the 50$ price tag.

Maven and Eclipse Issues

I use Maven for almost all Java projects I work in. I prefer using Netbeans with Maven as it has solid integration with Maven and I find it a hassle free approach of working with Maven without cluttering up your project with ‘special’ project files. However I have found out that Eclipse cannot be ignored as it has much faster performance and it needs lesser memory than Netbeans. So here are some tricks to work around the build issues I have faced with Eclipse when combined by Maven. The usual issue I faced was that I could build my project from console but I saw lots of build issues when building from inside Eclipse and lot of build errors were logged inside Eclipse ‘Problem’ view.

Refresh Project On pom.xml change
If you have changed anything in the pom.xml you should refresh your Eclipse project. It is possible Eclipse will pick up your changes from pom.xml and resolve any build / dependency issue in this step itself.

Re-generate Eclipse Project Files
If you have added a dependency in pom.xml you should ensure that the following commands are executed to regenerate the Eclipse project configuration files.

mvn eclipse:clean
This will delete the .project, .classpath and .settings folder of Eclipse.

mvn eclipse:eclipse
This will regenerate the .project, .classpath and .settings folder for your project.

Once you execute the above commands go back to your Eclipse project and refresh your project by right clicking on the project and clicking on refresh in the context menu or by pressing the ‘F5’ key after selecting the project.

In my experience so far Eclipse is able to resolve all dependence / build issue and you should have a trouble free coding experience now.

Jenkins Configuration Issue

I was trying to setup Jenkins web app inside the Tomcat server and it continuously gave me this error:

SEVERE: Failed to initialize Jenkins

This I fixed by creating the folder ‘/usr/share/tomcat7/.jenkins’

mkdir /usr/share/tomcat7/.jenkins

On redeploying Jenkins I again noticed the following error.

WARNING: Failed to record boot attempts /usr/share/tomcat7/.jenkins/failed-boot-attempts.txt (Permission denied)

I fixed this issue by giving full access to this folder.

sudo chmod 777 /usr/share/tomcat7/.jenkins

I believe 777 is not a good approach in a production environment, but for development perspective it looks ok.

Completely removing packages in Debian Linux

I recently had to find out if a particular package was properly installed in my Debian Linux OS as something was broken. I used the following command to do that.

dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | grep oracle

This basically lists out all the packages which contain the text ‘oracle’ in them. Once I find out the exact package name I can actually decide to remove all packages containing them.

sudo apt-get purge oracle*
sudo apt-get autoremove oracle*

Detecting Java Processes listening on local ports

We can use the jps command that is part of JDK to find out which Java processes are running in the current user’s session. We can further find out which network ports have been opened by a particular java process.

Use the follwing command to list all java processes:
jps -l

If you want more details about a process you can execute the following command:
jps -v | findstr <process id>

The following variant of netstat command lists all the listening as well as established socket connection in a system:
netstat -ano

This command can be further used to find out what sockets are opened by a specific process
netstat -ano | findstr <process id>