Monthly Archives: January 2020

Taking backup zip from multi-module Java project

I like to keep an archive of my code on a monthly basis. I wrote a small bash script to create zip out of my multi module Java projects. It gets the job done and can be improved to include resources and test folders as well. As of now I am only interested in the Java code zip backup.

 if [ -d "combined" ]; then
     echo "Removing existing zip files in combined .."
     rm combined/*.zip
     echo "Creating combined folder.."
     mkdir combined
 for d in */ ; do
     if [ -d "$d/src/main/java" ]; then
         var="$(echo $d | sed 's/.$//')"
         echo "Processing $var .."
         cd $d/src/main/java
         zip -r ../../../../combined/$ com
         cd ../../../..
         echo "Ignoring .. $d"