Monthly Archives: February 2022

Bash Shell – Folder as tree

I like using tree command in Linux, thankfully it has been ported to Mac as well and it is quite easy to get tree representation of files and folders inside a directory on a shell. An article on StackOverFlow talks about it aptly. The original site is here.

In case you are using brew then it is quite easy peasy as shown below:

brew install tree

The following commands generate a tree view:

Generates a tree of all files and folders in the current directory:


Generates a tree containing only folders in the current directory:

tree -d

Generates a tree containing only folders for 3 levels depth.

tree -d -L 2 .

In case you want to use vanilla shell without installing anything. (doesn’t generate a tree though).

find . -maxdepth 3 - type d

Code Structure Analysis Tool

I received a dump of Java codebase which had multiple modules and I needed to analyse it’s structure. The following tool did quite a good job:

Basically the idea is to run it inside a Java project using a maven command and it creates HTML file which denotes the high level structure of the code.

Note: Stan4J is also a very good tool which does similar job but allows deeper analysis (upto 500 classes only)