Category Archives: Linux OS

Searching for file containing keyword in Linux

Grep suits the bill for all my requirement for efficient search of files containing text in Linux and Mac. The following commands detail the use cases of grep.

Search for pattern
grep -rnw 'folder' -e 'text'

-r stands for recursive.
-n is the line number.
-w stands for whole word match.

Example: grep -rnw . -e 'import'
This searches for the the text ‘import’ in the current directory recursively.

Found this tip at

Using grep, sed to filter data in Linux, Mac OS

I recently received a blob of data which needed some alteration to properly suit the CSV format. I found that the data file ‘xyz.dat’ contained close to 600,000 rows so writing a VBA script in Excel to format the data was not an option. I opted to do it using some plain commands in Unix. I had to attain the following purpose:

1. Remove all rows with blank lines.
2. Remove all rows that didn’t start with the number ‘1’
3. Trim the file to 1000 rows to sample the data.

I executed the following commands to attain the above objectives.

To remove all blank lines I used this command. I am basically asking grep to treat the text as ASCII text and using a regular expression to identify blank rows:
cat xyz.dat | grep -a -v -e '^[[:space:]]*$' > xyz_no_space.dat

To remove all rows that don’t start with ‘1’ I used this command. This command is similar to above command except for the regular expression to identify rows that start with ‘1’.
cat xyz_no_space.dat | grep -a '^1' > xyz_no_space_start_with_1.dat

At this point we have the data we want but for sampling purpose I need to copy first 1000 rows into another file. This command uses ‘sed’ to do it.
sed -n -e '1,1000p' xyz_no_space_start_with_1.dat > xyz_trimmed_1_1000.dat

This command basically renames the *.dat file into *.csv for convenience.
mv xyz_trimmed_1_1000.dat xyz_trimmed_1_1000.csv

A summary of all commands I executed is listed below:
cat xyz.dat | grep -a -v -e '^[[:space:]]*$' > xyz_no_space.dat
cat xyz_no_space.dat | grep -a '^1' > xyz_no_space_start_with_1.dat
sed -n -e '1,1000p' xyz_no_space_start_with_1.dat > xyz_trimmed_1_1000.dat
mv xyz_trimmed_1_1000.dat xyz_trimmed_1_1000.csv

Integrating Jenkins (Debian) with BitBucket

The Jenkins CI server can be integrated with BitBucket by using the concept of deployment keys. In BitBucket go to Settings > Deployment Keys. Add a new public key. Make sure you are adding an openssh compatible public key otherwise the key won’t be accepted. Once this is done you need to test the read-only cloning capability using this approach.

ssh-agent (ssh-add /home/user1/ssh_keys/my_private_key; git clone

This command basically attempts to make a clone from the BitBucket server using the private key you specified as ‘my_private_key’. Since we are using the ssh-agent command to wrap the other two commands the key is loaded, the clone command is executed and then immediately the key is unloaded. If your cloning process failed you know that something is wrong. Remember you need the private key in openssh format as well.

If the above command gave you the cloned repository, go ahead and use this private key inside the Jenkins server.

Please do refer to BitBucket documentation link has more details on the exact steps.

Jenkins Configuration Issue

I was trying to setup Jenkins web app inside the Tomcat server and it continuously gave me this error:

SEVERE: Failed to initialize Jenkins

This I fixed by creating the folder ‘/usr/share/tomcat7/.jenkins’

mkdir /usr/share/tomcat7/.jenkins

On redeploying Jenkins I again noticed the following error.

WARNING: Failed to record boot attempts /usr/share/tomcat7/.jenkins/failed-boot-attempts.txt (Permission denied)

I fixed this issue by giving full access to this folder.

sudo chmod 777 /usr/share/tomcat7/.jenkins

I believe 777 is not a good approach in a production environment, but for development perspective it looks ok.

Completely removing packages in Debian Linux

I recently had to find out if a particular package was properly installed in my Debian Linux OS as something was broken. I used the following command to do that.

dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall | grep oracle

This basically lists out all the packages which contain the text ‘oracle’ in them. Once I find out the exact package name I can actually decide to remove all packages containing them.

sudo apt-get purge oracle*
sudo apt-get autoremove oracle*

Showing a running clock in a linux shell

I was working with a scheduler and wanted to keep track of my server time. Continuous invocation of date command wouldn’t cut it. So a little search on net lead me to this link which basically sums up the following script. This script will show the current time on the top left corner of your terminal which is good enough for my usecase.

while sleep 1;do tput sc;tput cup 0 $(($(tput cols)-11));echo -e "\e[31m`date +%r`\e[39m";tput rc;done &

I executed this code on a Cent OS system and it worked fine. I have tested this snippet in Debian as well and it worked like a charm. This won’t solve everybody’s problem but for specific situation where you just want to watch the clock of your server from a shell this is a good enough script.