Leveraging Tee and Grep for filtering program output

I have a utility which compiles my UI code and minifies them. It works pretty well and doesn’t requires much supervision. Trouble starts if the code compilation fails and it gets ignored in the huge log file which is generated by this utility. I use the following approach to filter out errors and yet preserving the output of the utility program for any diagnostic in case of any error.

./my_utility.sh | tee output.txt | grep error

Basically what happens is that “my_utility.sh” generates a lot of output which is piped into the “tee” command which in turn dumps it into a text file named “output.txt” and then the same output is again piped into the “grep” command which looks for any error text in the output. If the error is found it is outputted on the console.

So the end result is that in 99% cases I don’t see any output from the utility as I don’t want to see debug output. However the moment an error happens it gets flagged on console and I have the “output.txt” file to audit what went wrong and the root cause of the error.

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